
Spanish Unraveled

¡Hola amigos! 🌟 Dive into the vibrant world of Spanish with our newsletter! From everyday phrases to spicy slang, our newsletter is your passport to mastering everyday Spanish! Every week I analyze an interesting phrase, teach you some Mexican slang, and throw in a language-learning tip for good measure!

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Fast Spanish Step 1 + PDF of 2,000 Most Common Words 🚀

Hi! My name’s Rupert, and I’m a massive fan of Spanish, just like you! And at one point, I too was seriously FED UP with not being able to understand fast Spanish! That’s why I worked out a foolproof system to improve my listening and QUICKLY 🚀 And when I say foolproof, I mean it … I’m not one of those linguists who can speak 10 languages fluently and a pinch of Swahili; I’m a GARDEN-VARIETY language learner, just like you! Well, probably like you … according to the law of averages, at least!...